Forecast yevhiki nevhiki yeGoridhe Globes 2015 (19/11/2014)

Goridhe Globes

Kutanga kufanotaura kweshanduro nyowani yeiyo Goridhe Globes izvo zvichaitika muna Ndira 11, 2015 uye zvichazivisa vakasarudzwa vayo musi waZvita 11, 2014.

Zvese zvinoratidza kuti «Unbroken«,«Foxcatcher«,«Boyhood»Uye«The Imitation Game»Vachave varwi vakuru mumitambo yemadhirama.

«Into the Woods»Uye«Birdman»Zvinoita kunge maviri makuru anodikanwa mumakomiki uye mimhanzi zvikamu.

Firimu Rakanakisisa

  1. "Asina kuputswa"
  2. "Foxcatcher"
  3. Kuva mukomana
  4. "Selma"
  5. "Mutambo Wokuteedzera"
  6. "Dzidziso yeZvese"
  7. "Asipo Musikana"
  8. "Interstellar"
  9. "American Sniper"
  10. "Musango"

Best Motion Mufananidzo - Musical kana Comedy

  1. "Kupinda Musango"
  2. "Shiri"
  3. «Grand Budapest Hotel»
  4. "Inherent Vice"
  5. «St. Vincent »
  6. "Pamusoro Vashanu"
  7. "Tanga Zvekare"
  8. "Kudada"
  9. "Annie"
  10. "Mapfupa Mapatya"

Best director

  1. Angelina Jolie we "Asina Kuputswa"
  2. Bennett Miller we "Foxcatcher"
  3. Richard Linklater "Mukomana"
  4. Alejandro González Iñarritu ye "Birdman"
  5. Sel DuVernay ye "Selma"
  6. Morten Tyldum ye "Iyo Yekuteedzera Mutambo"
  7. James Marsh we "Dzidziso yeZvese"
  8. Paul Thomas Anderson we "Inherent Vice"
  9. Christopher Nolan we "Interstellar"
  10. David Fincher we "Akaenda Musikana"

The Imitation Game

Best Actor muDhirama Firimu

  1. Eddie Redmayne we "Dzidziso yeZvese"
  2. Benedict Cumberbatch ye "Iyo Yekuteedzera Mutambo"
  3. Steve Carell we "Foxcatcher"
  4. Timothy Spall we "Mr Turner"
  5. Bradley Cooper we "American Sniper"
  6. David Oyelowo for "Selma"
  7. Ben Affleck we "Asipo Musikana"
  8. Jack O'Connell we "Asina Kuputswa"
  9. Jake Gyllenhaal we "Nightcrawler"
  10. Milles Teller ye "Whiplash"

Best Actress muDrama Firimu

  1. Julianne Moore we "Achiri Alice"
  2. Reese Witherspoon ye "Musango"
  3. Felicity Jones ye "Dzidziso Yezvose"
  4. Rosamund Pike ye "Akaenda Musikana"
  5. Amy Adams we "Big Eyes"
  6. Hilary Swank ye "Iye Musha"
  7. Jessica Chastain we "Iko Kutsakatika pane Eleanor Rigby"
  8. Shailene Woodley we "Mhosva muNyeredzi Dzedu"
  9. Marion Cotillard ye "Deux jours, une nuit"
  10. Mia Wasikowska ye "Mateki"

Best Actor muMotion Mufananidzo - Musical kana Comedy

  1. Michael Keaton we "Birdman"
  2. Ralph Fiennes we «Grand Budapest Hotel»
  3. Joaquin Phoenix we "Inherent Vate"
  4. Bill Murray we «St. Vincent »
  5. Chadwick Boseman ye "Kwira kumusoro"
  6. James Corden we "Kupinda Musango"
  7. Chris Rock we "Vashanu Vepamusoro"
  8. Bill Hader ye "Iwo Skelleton Mapatya"
  9. Maka Ruffalo ye "Kutanga Zvekare"
  10. Chris Pratt we "Vachengeti veGirazi"

Julianne Moore muMamepu kune iyo Nyeredzi

Best Actress muMotion Mufananidzo - Musical kana Comedy

  1. Emily Blunt ye "Kupinda Musango"
  2. Julianne Moore we "Mepu kune Nyeredzi"
  3. Keira Knightley we "Kutanga Zvekare"
  4. Angelina Jolie for "Maleficent"
  5. Helen Mirren we "Rwendo Rwemazana-Rutsoka"
  6. Kristen Wiig we "The Skelleton Mapatya"
  7. Quvenzahné Wallis for «Annie»
  8. Melissa McCarthy we «St. Vincent »
  9. Emma Stone we "Mashiripiti Mumwedzi Wemwedzi"
  10. Tina Fey we "Apa Ndiko Kwandinokusiya"

Akanyanya Kutsigira Actor

  1. Maka Ruffalo we "Foxcatcher"
  2. JK Simmons ye "Whiplash"
  3. Edward Norton we "Birdman"
  4. Johnny Depp we "Kupinda Musango"
  5. Miyavi ye "Asina kuputswa"
  6. Ethan Hawke ye "Mukomana"
  7. Robert Duvall we "Mutongi"
  8. Josh Brolin we "Inherent Vice"
  9. Sel Wilkinson we "Selma"
  10. Charlie Washington "Dzidziso Yezvose"

Akanakisa Kutsigira Actress

  1. Patricia Arquette we "Mukomana"
  2. Laura Dern we "Musango"
  3. Emma Dombo re "Birdman"
  4. Meryl Streep ye "Kupinda Musango"
  5. Keira Knightley we "Iyo Yekuteedzera Mutambo"
  6. Anna Kendrick we "Kupinda Musango"
  7. Jessica Chastain we "Interstellar"
  8. Carrie Coon we "Akaenda Musikana"
  9. Carmen Ejogo we «Selma»
  10. Kristen Stewart we "Zvakadaro Alice"

Best screenplay

  1. "Shiri"
  2. Kuva mukomana
  3. "Foxcatcher"
  4. "Asina kuputswa"
  5. "Kupinda Musango"
  6. "Selma"
  7. "Asipo Musikana"
  8. "Mutambo Wokuteedzera"
  9. "Inherent Vice"
  10. "Dzidziso yeZvese"

Siya yako yekutaura

Your kero e havazobvumirwi ichibudiswa. Raida minda anozivikanwa ne *



  1. Inotarisira iyo data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Chinangwa cheiyo data: Kudzora SPAM, manejimendi manejimendi.
  3. Legitimation: Kubvuma kwako
  4. Kutaurirana kwedata
  5. Dhata yekuchengetedza: Dhatabhesi inobatwa neOccentus Networks (EU)
  6. Kodzero: Panguva ipi neipi iwe unogona kudzora, kupora uye kudzima ruzivo rwako