Iwo makumi matanhatu neshanu Edhi Edza Kwazvo, Zvinoenderana neVapepeti Guild Magazine

Raging Bull

Editors Guild Magazine, kudhindwa kweVapepeti 'Guild, yakaita runyoro rwezvakanakisa montages munhoroondo yemabhaisikopo.

Iyo podium inotongwa neatatu makuru ekirasi munhoroondo yecinema, senge «Raging Bull» iyo inotungamira, «Citizen Kane", munzvimbo yechipiri uye"Apocalypse Now»wechitatu.

Iwo assemblers anoonekwa zvakanyanya ndeaya Thelma Schoonmaker, Martin Scorsese mupepeti wenguva dzose, Dede Allen, george tomasini, Alfred Hitchcock wenguva dzose uye Michael Khan, nguva dzose Steven Spielberg.

Iwo makumi matanhatu neshanu Edhi Edza Kwazvo, Zvinoenderana neVapepeti Guild Magazine

1. "Bull Raging" (Thelma Schoonmaker, 1980)
2. "Citizen Kane" (Robert Wise, 1941)
3. "Apocalypse Now" (Lisa Fruchtman, Gerald B. Greenberg, Walter Murch, 1979)
4. "All That Jazz" (Alan Heim, 1979)
5. "Bonnie naClyde" (Dede Allen, 1967)
6. "The Godfather" (William H. Reynolds, Peter Zinner, 1972)
7. "Lawrence weArabia" (Anne V. Coates, 1962)
8. "Shaya" (Verna Fields, 1975)
9. "JFK" (Pietro Scalia, Joe Hutshing, 1991)
10. "The French Connection" (Gerald B. Greenberg, 1971)
11. "Kukurukurirana" (Richard Chew, 1974)
12. "Psycho" (George Tomasini, 1960)
13. "Battleship Potemkin" (Grigori Aleksandrov, Sergei Eisenstein, 1925)
14. "Memento" (Dody Dorn, 2000)
15. "Goodfellas" (James Y. Kewi, Thelma Schoonmaker, 1990)
16. "Star Wars" (Richard Chew, TM Christopher, Marcia Lucas, George Lucas, Paul Hirsch, 1977)
17. "Guta raMwari" (Daniel Rezende, 2002)
18. "Pulp Fiction" (Sally Menke, 1994)
19. "2001: A Space Odyssey" (Ray Lovejoy, 1968)
20. "Imbwa Zuva Masikati" (Dede Allen, 1975)
21. "Vapambi veAreka Yakarasika" (Michael Kahn, 1981)
22. "The Godfather Part II" (Barry Malkin, Richard Marks, Peter Zinner, 1974)
23. "The Wild Bunch" (Lou Lombardo, 1969)
24. "Kuchengetedza Private Ryan" (Michael Kahn, 1998)
25. "The Matrix" (Zach Staenberg, 1999)
26. "Kunyarara kweGwayana" (Craig McKay, 1991)
27. "Breathless" (Cécile Decugis, 1960)
28. "Fight Club" (James Haygood, 1999)
29. "Chinodiwa Chiroto" (Jay Rabinowitz, 2000)
30. "Cabaret" (David Bretherton, 1972)
31. "Chinatown" (Sam O'Steen, 1974)
32. "Moulin Rouge!" (Jill Bilcock, 2001)
33. "Samurai manomwe" (Koichi Iwashita, Akira Kurosawa, 1954)
34. "Casablanca" (Owen Marks, 1942)
35. "Kutanga" (Lee Smith, 2010)
36. "Tambo" (William H. Zeigler, 1948)
37. "Schindler's List" (Michael Kahn, 1993)
38. "West Side Story" (Thomas Stanford, 1961)
39. "Mupoteri" (Dan Brochu, David Finfer, Dean Goodhil, Dov Hoenig, Richard Nord, Dennis Virkler, 1993)
40. "A Clockwork Orange" (Bill Butler, 1971)
41. "8 ½" (Leo Cattozzo, 1963)
42. "Mumwe Akabhururuka Nepamusoro peCuckoo's Nest" (Sheldon Kahn, Lynzee Klingman, 1975)
43. "Matsvuku" (Dede Allen, Craig McKay1981)
44. "The Shining" (Ray Lovejoy, 1980)
45. "Mazuva Edenga" (Billy Weber, 1978)
46. ​​"Ben-Hur" (Margaret Booth, John Dunning, Ralph E. Winters, 1959)
47. "Vertigo" (George Tomasini, 1958)
48. "Apollo 13" (Daniel P. Hanley, Mike Hill, 1995)
49. "Rear Window" (George Tomasini, 1954)
50. "Touch of Evil" (Edward Curtiss, Walter Murch, Aaron Stell, Virgil W. Vogel, 1958)
51. "Living Russia" (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
52. "The Graduate" (Sam O'Steen, 1967)
52. "Kunze Kwekuona" (Anne V. Coates, 1998)
54. "High Noon" (Elmo Williams, 1952)
55. "Black Hawk Down" (Pietro Scalia, 2001)
56. "Titanic" (Conrad Buff IV, James Cameron, Richard A. Harris, 1997)
57. "The Limey" (Sarah Flack, 1999)
58. "The Exorcist" (Norman Gay, Jordan Leondopoulos, Bud S. Smith, Evan A. Lottman, 1973)
59. "Annie Hall" (Wendy Greene Bricmont, Ralph Rosemblum, 1977)
60. "Rashomon" (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
61. "Sherlock, Jr." (Buster Keaton, Roy B Yokelson, 1924)
61. "Speed" (John Wright, 1994)
63. "LA Confidential" (Peter Honess, 1997)
64. "Inzwi reMimhanzi" (William H. Reynolds, 1965)
65. "Muti weHupenyu" (Hank Corwin, Jay Rabinowitz, Daniel Rezende, Billy Weber, Mark Yoshikawa, 2011)
66. "The Bourne Ultimatum" (Christopher Rouse, 2007)
67. "Z" (Francoise Bonnot, 1969)
68. "Husiku Hwezuva Rakaoma" (John Jympson, 1964)
69. "Hugo" (Thelma Schoonmaker, 2011)
69. "Midnight Cowboy" (Hugh A. Robertson, 1969)
69. "Miller's Crossing" (Michael R. Miller, 1990)
72. "Blade Runner" (Gillian L. Hutshing, Marsha Nakashima, Terry Rawlings, 1982)
73. "Mulholland Dr." (Mary Sweney, 2001)
74. "Rocky" (Scott Conrad, Richard Halsey, 1976)
75. "North neNorth West" (George Tomasini, 1959)

Siya yako yekutaura

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  1. Inotarisira iyo data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Chinangwa cheiyo data: Kudzora SPAM, manejimendi manejimendi.
  3. Legitimation: Kubvuma kwako
  4. Kutaurirana kwedata
  5. Dhata yekuchengetedza: Dhatabhesi inobatwa neOccentus Networks (EU)
  6. Kodzero: Panguva ipi neipi iwe unogona kudzora, kupora uye kudzima ruzivo rwako